Meet the Team
We are a family owned business. Pennie and Chantel started Art Moms (and friends) in 2010. Their vision was to take local makers and small businesses and give them exposure with a fun-happy-feel good store. Read more about our awesome team below.

Who is Pennie? She is the pioneer of Art Moms. She is the reason we exist. She's likely to be found creating, building, painting, weaving, junking, golfing, hanging with her awesome family and enjoying her two kitties Lucy and Ruby - all while enjoying a nightly glass of red wine and an occassional stogie. Because why not?
Who am I? Well, i'm all sorts of things! I'm a really awesome wife. An even awesom-er mom. A pretty kick ass daughter. (and i'm super humble. :) An illustrator. A children's book writer. A stationary designer. A lover of all foods (especially dessert). A die hard Chicago Cubs fan. A plant lover. A girl devoted to family. A kindness seeker. An entrepreneur. A small business supporter. A woman empowered to empower other women. A daddy's girl. A cocktail partaker. A cuss word user. A lover of all things pink. A golfer seeking her first hole in one. A wild soul smitten with Hawaii. A fighter for equality and human rights. A certified professional shopper. A clumsy dorky goofball. A golden retriever lover. A coffee addict. A girl filled with wanderlust and could live out of a suitcase. A girl that uses a lot of words. -See, i told you I'm all sorts of things.
Who is Grace? When an artist (Pennie), has a daughter, (Chantel), who becomes an artist and has a daughter, (Grace), who becomes a ????? Grace is currently in college. She has grown up with Art Moms and Art moms has grown up with her. Her quirky style, sense of humor and kind heart will brighten up the darkest room. She loves her pets, her family, drawing, film, music, trying new foods, and gaming with friends.

Who is Denny? Art Moms customers know him as "Beard." Beard is Art Moms #1 fan. He is our biggest cheerleader and supporter. Beard is the world's best father who loves golfing, gardening, crossword puzzles, playing cards, long road trips, craft beer, keeping up with who's who in Hollywood and cheering loudly for his family. He is our business manager and our sales rep. Where would we be without our Beard?

Who is Jerime? He is the brain and braun of Art Moms. If it needs solved, lifted, fixed or anaylized Jerime is our man. Him and Chantel have been married for 25 years and have a daughter Grace. He's a sharp dresser with quick wit and a big heart. He loves golf, Michigan football (Go Blue), Los Angelos Chargers (Go Bolts), traveling, twizzlers, shopping, and his 3 golden retreivers Birdie, Bogey and Ace (seen pictured in Chantel's bio picture.
Photos of Art Moms